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Generation Y is a generation made up of enthusiastic and motivated individuals, or so they claim. Being raised in a fast-paced media age, the millennials are accustomed to having answers on the tip on their fingers. While many would argue that the media age has opened us up to greater potentials, the ease of information access has also cultivated an idle generation. Ask a millennial how he would solve an issue that he has never handled before, such as looking for clients, and his answer would most likely be “Google it.” A simple, yet unspecific answer. What would he search for on Google, and how would he make use that information? The problem here is the mindset of millennials that there is always an answer and this stops them from asking the following question, “Then what?” The young generation of today lack the curiosity and perseverance for knowledge the previous generation had. They presume answers to be available at any given time and therefore stop asking questions. This then leads to the assumption of knowing, when in fact, they know nothing at all. To be able to succeed, we must constantly push ourselves in ways that generate complete ideas.

Being specific provides us with a clear direction towards our goal. It is a skill that should be inoculated in everyone as children, but it is also never too late to start now. As with any other skill, the key in it is to practice.

“Success is the sum of details.”

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